King's Kung-Fu, tai chi and Chi kung Instruction
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Kung Fu and Tai Chi
This is a complete system of Kung Fu. One which promotes health and wellness of the mind and body. At the same time combat applications are taught every step of the way. All ranges of combat are covered. Besides striking and kicking. Kung Fu addresses, 1) close range grappling and wrestling type techniques (Shuai Jiao), 2) joint locking (Chin Na), 3) close quarter combat (Dog Boxing), and 4) weapons training and an understanding of improvising weapons, among other things. Weapons training, and techniques, offer weight training in a way that will be new, different, challenging and beneficial to your body, mind and health. Kung Fu teaches all of this and, since 1971 we have studied and since 1982 we have taught these methods. We also conduct seminars throughout the year which are taught by us and select teachers. If you are ready for a complete system that does not need to be pieced or patchworked together, then you are ready for King's Kung Fu and Tai Chi.
Training is conducted with your individual needs, and safety, in mind. We personally train and teach you, not hired instructors.
We do not conduct large, mass production classes. We spend time with each student, it is

Traditional weapons are also taught with an eye towards common, everyday objects that can be improvised in place of those weapons giving weapons training a practical spin.
Our classes provide a sense of accomplishment, practicality, health and well being presented in a safe, and enjoyable environment.
So, why are you waiting, the clock is ticking and you can't retrieve lost time - sign up for classes today.

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"A man is born gentle and weak. At his death he is hard and stiff. Green plants are tender and filled with sap.At their death they are withered and dry. Therefore the stiff and unbending is the discipline of death. The gentle and yielding is the discipline of life. Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle. A tree that is unbending is easily broken." - Lao Tsu -.