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Contact Info

King's Inner Path Kung-Fu Association
5 Animal 5 Family Style
Sifu Richard Mieir-King
4333 Ostrom Avenue
Lakewood, California 90713-2841 USA
NOTE: This is our mailing address, not school address
For info call us at
(562) 425-3168

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King's Nerve Balm

We accept Paypal, Wepay, Checks and Money Orders

This specially designed formula has been created to act as a refreshing massage rub which has also been reported to be excellent for:  

Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Headaches
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang As a Massage Rub
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Painful Skin (Inflammed Nerves)
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Accelerated Healing
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Soothes Fatigued Muscles
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Eases Nerve Pain
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Feels Refreshing!

King's massage nerve balm

An excellent, cooling, refreshing and energizing massage liniment!  Once again, beneficial for martial artists or those interested in a natural, herbal approach.  Comes with a free instruction sheet explaining how to use this powerful liniment.  

2 Ounce Bottle $19.99  /  4 Ounce Bottle $24.95

Check with us on shipping fee.
California residents add sales tax.
Contact us and we will tell you the simple, easy steps to submit your order thru Paypal.

Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang  How to Order  Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang  Back to Herb Directory Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang  King's Kung-Fu Classes  Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang  Back to Home Page
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Our Other Links

Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Kings Kung-Fu And Tai Chi YouTube:
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang  King's Tai Chi:  
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Supplies:
Mieir King Kung Fu and Tai Chi yin yang Fighting Masters Seminars: